Monday, 16 April 2012

Tools (16th April)

Although not a tool, there has been an interesting move in the EU about future legistation, The wired article " Watch Out, White Hats! European Union Moves to Criminalize ‘Hacking Tools’" highlights some of the reaction to the proposals. The UK Computer Misuse Act 1990 as modified by the Police & Justice Act 2006 which created Offence 3A does have the work "Intent" in it. However often it is more about how a tool is used rather than what the tool was designed for, the whistles in the Cap'n Crunch cereal boxes where designed as tools however also produced a 2600 Hz tone when blown phreakers like John Draper discovered that the free whistles also produced a 2600 Hz tone when blown. This allowed control of phone systems that worked on single frequency (SF) controls. The whistles where a tool that could be used for hacking but was not designed for this purpose. The debate on tools is going to go on for a long time and the lawyers will benefit the most.

My weekly blog on the tools that have come to my attention over the last week, it is not a comprehesive tool list but tools that I found interesting or details of tools I use that have been upgraded.

RitX Reverse Ip Lookup Tool v1.5 released
RitX is a Reverse IP Lookup Tool that will allows you to use an IP address or domain name to identify all currently domains hosted on a server using multiple services and various techniques. RitX is a Perl script which uses multiple web services that provide this feature.

OWASP Joomscan 4.4.2012 now scans for 623 vulnerabilities
OWASP Joomscan is a tool for testing vulnerabilities on websites that use ‘Joomla’. This application allows you to view or Test the website on XSS attacks, SQL Injection, LFI, RFI, Bruteforce, etc.

Maltego 3.1.1 Community edition released
Maltego is an open source intelligence and forensics application. It will offer you timous mining and gathering of information as well as the representation of this information in a easy to understand format

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