Saturday, 13 May 2017

Raspberry Pi Zero USB Gadget

A very short note on how to make a Raspberry Pi Zero 1.3 USB gadget. These are steps and websites that helped get mine working.



Additional sites

The hardware installation is easy to do, just need a fine tip to your soldering iron. The software was straightforward.

  1. Downloaded Raspbian Jessie
  2. Copy image onto SD card
  3. edit command.txt
    • Modify the entry "rootwait" to "rootwait modules-load=dwc2,g_ether"
  4. edit config.txt
    • add the line dtoverlay=dwc2 to the end of the file
  5. create blank ssh file in root of boot partition
  6. Insert SD into Pi and place in USB port of computer
  7. SSH to raspberrypi.local
  8. run sudo raspi-config and expand filesystem to ft card
Don't forget to share your host Ethernet connection with the Pi if you want it to access the network.


  • If the Raspberry is not recognised when you plug it into the USB port use the instructions in the gadget tutorial to install the RNDIS drivers. 
  • If you using xrdp and have problems then second tutorial will help with resolving the issue
  • If you are unable to connect to <hostname>.local on a Windows 10 machine you might need to install the Bonjour service from Apple

Enjoy the Raspberry USB gadget

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