Sunday 10 February 2013

Keep It Simple Stupid

Reading about the Horse/Beef issue, made me think of  the KISS principle from the US Navy in 1960's, Keep It Simple, Stupid.

The supply chain for Findus reads like this "A Swedish brand - Findus - supplying British supermarkets employed a French company, Comigel, to make its ready meals. To get meat for its factory in Luxembourg, Comigel called on the services of another French firm Spanghero. It used an agent in Cyprus, who in turn used an agent in the Netherlands, who placed the order at an abattoir in Romania."

Additionally isn't the problem with the banks due to over complicated financial instruments that no one understands fully. All this shows it that if a process gets over complicated it is liable to break and have faults, a simply process is easier to fault find and rectify.

The principle of KISS applies to information security as well as software development, overcomplicated systems and software are going to lead to vulnerabilities that will lead to systems and organisations being overcomplicated. Capability Maturity Models (CMM) should be looking at ensuring at processes are not overcomplicated and are easily understand by all those involved in an organisation. When a process is fully understood it is going to be a more mature process.

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